Saturday 24 November 2012

Checkmybox is here!

So finally, after this last two months of ideas, planning, making and then mostly panicking, Checkmybox DIY jewellery kits are now for sale! It has been a manic two months. Some fantastic times, when me and Hannah have really realised what we're capable of, and some not so great moments when the stress of starting a business becomes overwhelming (I'm pretty sure there will be plenty more of those moments...).
We've decided that if we stand any chance of staying positive and focused we have to celebrate the small achievements, taking note of each accomplishment before moving onto the next stage. This, it turns out much easier to say, than do. (until the second pint anyway...)

So if you'd like to purchase a kit, or just have a little look we now have all the kits on our Etsy page

and if your in Birmingham you can pop on down to Mr Birds Emporium in the Custard Factory and check out our little shelf of goodies.