Tuesday 20 November 2012

Tutorial Tuesday

Here's another tutorial from the archive. As with the all the tutorials this month we will be releasing this as a kit with Checkmybox, this week! Keep your eyes peeled for that, and enjoy the tutorial.x

UPDATE: You can buy the materials to make this kit over at Checkmybox.co.uk or at our Etsy shop, making things even easier!

1. Using chalk pastels colour rectangular sections of a sheet of shrink plastic in four different colours.
2. Cut the sections into large isosceles triangles, around 10cm in length.
3. Using a hole punch make a hole at the bottom (shortest edge) of each triangle.
4. Heat them in the oven according to the instructions. They usually need around 3-5 minutes.
5. Using a 7mm jump ring attach the pendants to a 50cm piece of chain. Build this up in a random order, mixing up the colours.
6. When your happy with the design, put two jump rings and a clasp onto the end of your chain.

VOILA! Get out into the sunshine and show it off.